Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Most Valuable Thing

the most valuable things for me are my room and my computer!!..

My Room
why?because in this place many things had happen!!
maybe it's kinda funny why i choose my room as my most valuable thing,but for me it is the place i'd rather be when im lonesome, broken, wasted, sleepy, scared, and drunk!!hehe...
my room is kinda weird because, when you're inside you notice that you are not alone, trust me it's pretty scary!!..hehe..
when there is no class, i've spent half a day or 12hrs. in my room, because i have all i need to enjoy and relax myself in my room, like watchin TV, and playing online computer games.
there is no place like home especially my room!!..

My Computer
why?it's because i am a certified online gamer addict and i'm loooovee challenges like, ran online where i have 4 characters! ragnarok 6 characters and etc.!!i only play when i've finished my homework..!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Looking Forward

Im looking forward not backward for my future!!hehe..and i will do it one day at a time!!..
i will strive harder and harder until i achieve my goal!! come along and let's play Blues Clues!!..naks wakekeke kita kits na lng sa alamat server!!..hehe

Why did i choose this as my name blog??

It's because i am a fan of Linkin Park especially mike shinoda & chester bennington.
i like this band because they make their songs more interesting and intriguing,like for example Points of Authority, In The End, What i've Done which is their latest single, and many more.
hehe well the truth is!i choose this as my title because i am already drop in 1 subjects.,it's because i am not serious on my studies because of problems that is complicated. naks Senti hehe!!!
well i have a solution for this and that is "Study 1st & get Drunk later"hehe
"Going straight na ako"....